Dear Visitors,

We started the Before Sleep Program this evening enthusiastically, by listening to “GulbeRap Amal Book Song”. In the song we said the following:

“One on my right and one on my left

Whatever I do they write, I have to take care.

I should not do whatever comes to my mind.

I should not be a slave to my nafs.

From roses to colors, from the Prophet to the ummah, I must find the luminous path that goes onward”.

In this beautiful song we listened to, we remembered to say the first condition of being a Muslim, namely, the Word of Martyrdom. We learned that it was not enough to say it with the language, it was definitely necessary to fulfill its requirements as the believers. This is by obeying the orders of our Almighty Creator and trying to do our beloved Prophet’s Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu Sunnah.

A true Muslim would spend God’s orders and prohibitions on his/her life meticulously and seriously. He/she would kneow what the religion of Islam wants from her/him and will follow them.

Our Creator says that we pray five times a day, fast, and never pofff against our parents. In addition, we, as Muslims, cannot eat or wear whatever we want. We could arrange our lives only according to the Qur’an and Sunnah’s framework. If we live randomly and not like according to the orders, our Islam would be in words, just theoretically! For example, our Creator stated in the 275th verse of the chapter of al-Baqara that he waged war on the victim. A conscious Muslim, who knows that all kinds of interest are forbidden, could not keep his halal earnings in banks that carry out financial transactions.

We thought that if the clean eggs that need to be put in the fridge were kept in the toilet, they would get rotten under the influence of the dirty air. However, the place where they had to wait should be a closet that is as clean as itself and thus its value should be preserved. Human, each of the entrusted blessings, had to protect her/his body, mind, money, children, clothes and food from dirty places and getting dirty. Obeying Allah’s orders was the shortest way to achieve this. Because our Lord Almighty has forbidden everything that will harm us and cause us to feel bad, and commanded everything that will happen to our joy in both worlds! As Gulberenk Children, we intend to remind our elders about what we have learned in this program, live by contemplation and do good deeds! Then we took our ablution and performed our prayers. We miswak our teeth and comb our hair. We read the chapters of Ihlas, Felaq, Nas and turned to our right and went to bed!

If you too want to take advantage of our program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Merve Doganci

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