Dear Visitors;

Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association continues its Before Sleep Program with joy, hope and enthusiasm! The topic of our program tonight is: “Sleep”, a rest that our beloved Allah created for us. It turns out that there were three different times/types of sleep: Gailulah, Failulah and Qailulah!

Gailulah: It is defined as the period from dawn until the sun rises completely and the Qarahat time comes out. We should not have been sleeping during that time!

Failulah: It is the period of time after the afternoon prayer until the sun goes down completely. One should never sleep at this time; instead we have to work, we have to make an effort. If we sleep, our sustenance and our life will be deficient.

Qailulah: It is to sleep in the most active time of the sun from mid-morning to afternoon. Even if it is only ten minutes. This sleep is very beneficial spiritually and physically, just close your eyes and rest during this specific time!

Our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu aleyhi wasallam also did Qailulah until his death. If we say “Ala Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah” at this time and sleep, we can earn rewards for Sunnah! While Qailulah sleep provides strength and vigor and enables us to wake up comfortably at night, Gailulah and Failulah sleeps would harm us.

Thereby, our Almighty Allah denotes the following: “We have made the night a cover, sleep a rest and day a time to work for you. (Furkan / 47) “. Sometimes people dream in their sleep. We should be grateful when we wake up for our beautiful dreams. We should forget the fearful ones by saying “Euzübillahiminesh Shaytanirrajîm Bismillahirrahmanirrahm”.

Sleep is like a medicine that restores, strengthens and regenerates a person and it is very important to be timely in this regard. The best thing is to perform the night prayer and get up immediately without the morning call to prayer! Thus, at the end of the program, we, the Gulberenk Children, took our ablutions. We performed our prayers and put on our pajamas. After we miswaked our teeth and combed our hair, we returned to our right. We slept with the peace by reading Falak, Nas, İhlas and having fulfilled the manners of sleep!

If you want to take advantage of our programs, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information!


Writer: Merve Doganci


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