Dear Visitors,

Our Before Sleep Program goes on at full speed with gratitude and excitement! As always, we learned very valuable information in our show tonight! First of all, we have admired the images of the works that Gulberenk Children created with great effort! The knitted fiber, which is created by combining hundreds of loops patiently, is written with the following, “In all difficulties, even if no one is with me, there is Allah (jalla jalaluhu).” How delighted, with its wise word, an elegant bracelet model made with tiny knots!

It turns out that every person’s nature and abilities are different from each other. Wise people developed the skills they were given by working diligently on the fields they were interested in. In addition, all children should be directed by their parents to one or more branches of art that they can devote time to with interest. Because this was very necessary for them to produce products that would benefit the society in the future, or to earn their livelihood.

Prophets were busy with art and craft in order to earn their genius sustenance. Hazrat Idris was a tailor, and Jesus was a carpenter. Hz. David, on the other hand, produced armor by processing iron. (Aleyhimusselam!)

We, as Muslims, should also use the strength and power that our Creator has graced for good deeds. We should keep ourselves from empty and harmful deeds and endow every minute of our life with beneficial activities.

At the end of our program, we miswaked our teeth and combed our hair, we read the chapters of Ihlas, Felaq and Nas. We turned to our right saying, “O Allah’s Prophet!” and we slept peacefully.

If you want to benefit from our services on the right path, you can become a member of Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association. For detailed information and registration, call 0542 808 82 58 immediately!


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