Dear Visitors,

We realized the first program of the week with great joy and gratitude. First, we contemplated by listening to “Let Trees Be A Pen” song. It turns out that even if the trees were pen and the seas were ink, the blessings of our Allah could not be written. Nobody can give as Allah has given, and nobody can love as the Almighty Creator loves. He is very much worthy of praise and all praises. So we should be soooooo thankful.

In this program, we expressed our gratitude to our Beloved for what we have today. Then we listened to the audio recordings sent to the group by our friends.

Some of our friends were grateful for going to school, meeting friends and teachers… Some of them were grateful for having a very nice family, being able to eat whatever food they wanted, playing games comfortably, and living in a war-free environment.

Some have been thankful because they have been healthy, happy and peaceful … Some have the opportunity to eat whatever food they want, wear clothes, get the book and pen they want.

A friend of ours thought of the hungry children in Africa and gratefully has eaten a meal he normally does not like. There were also those who were grateful for being able to perform wudu and prayers and for being a servant created by Allah.

Well done to us! We are grateful for many things thank Allah… Tonight, when we listened to the recordings of Gulberenk Children, we were cheered and realized how thankful we should feel for many things! Our Most Almight Creator, in a verse in the Qur’an says: “I increase the grace of those who are grateful.” (Ibrahim / 7). When we heard this, we almost blew up with joy and excitement!

We opened our hands and prayed: “Oh Allah! Please provide us with grace and gratitude! Give us the blessings of knowing and loving You, and your beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu. Let us be a beautiful ummah to Him!”.

No, no, we did not say farewell, just got separated to meet again! Thus we slept gratefully hoping to meet again tomorrow!

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM


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