Dear Visitors,

We were together in the Gulberenk Children’s Group on the last day of the week. Tonight, while there are good and right works done; we talked about why wrong and ugly ones come to the fore. In order to comprehend this issue, we have previously examined two photographs. There were some things on and beside the table. What catches the attention of most of us was rather than tables, chairs, flowers, and glasses, it was tomato paste poured with scattered grapes. We learned that our immediate recognition of negative situations was due to the goodness of our original structure and soul. Just as a scattered fruit or a spilled tomato paste is contrary to the nature of a clean table; it is against our nature that we fall into deficiency and failure regarding our duties of servitude.

In fact, man is essentially clean and beautiful. However, he/she was most noticeable when she/he did wrong and bad deeds. Therefore, we had to be very careful about our state, attitude and behavior.

People sometimes hurt each other, sometimes themselves, and sometimes the things around them. We thought, it was not as easy to clean the top of a person as cleaning the top of the table. Because human; She/ He was deeply affected by corruption, as she/he had a mind, heart and spirit. For this reason, we had to dress in a way that suits ourselves, talk and take refuge in our Beloved Creator.

Those who do not want to be alarmed, should not scatter themselves and their surroundings. They should be tidy and should not leave behind gossip. Actually, it was that simple. This evening, we have come to the end of a Before Sleep Program, by meditating beautifully! We were drawn to our core with the hope of meeting again on weekdays!

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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