Dear Visitors,

We started Before Sleep tonight by listening to “Bracelet on Ankle Program Song”! Some of its words were as follows:

“Bracelets on my ankle, joy in my heart,

I have a solution, no excuse.

By working my needs,

I went and drank a cup of manangic coffee!

Our Almighty Allah has created everything in the universe in a certain order. We may sometimes encounter unexpected and negative situations in the general flow of life, and have difficulty in expressing our professions. In such cases, what we need to do is not take refuge in excuses; it was producing solutions.

We thought that one should know how to look at the events that happen to her in life, to be aware of the blessings given to her, and to see the beauties around her and be happy. For example, we should consider the curfews within the scope of Covid19 measures as a relaxing opportunity, such as drinking coffee and reading books in peace and quiet at home, especially for adults who work outside at a busy pace, and keep our morale high.

As Gulberenk Children, we should wear our pajamas before going to sleep. We should have miswaked our teeth and comb our hair. After reading the chapters of Ihlas, Falaq and Nas, we should turn to our right and lie down.

If you also want to benefit from our programs, you can become a member of Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, and you can review the Membership and Regulation menu on for detailed information and registration.


Merve Doganci



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