Dear Visitors;

Our Before Sleep Program continues with great enthusiasm and love! At the beginning of our program tonight, we listened to the song “There is No Such Thing as Little, Do not Belittle”.  Some of the words were as follows:

“The Snowflake, a piece of pomegranate, water drop, grain of sand,

Allah, who created both the small and the great,

Is the one and only of servants!

There is no such thing as little, do not belittle!

Be like a grain of salt in food, amen!

O beautiful piece of pearl…”

We are precious little ones like pearl beads; but we should not belittle ourselves or anything small. Some little things would have be nuisance, while some little things would have many benefits. For example, a small amount of money we regularly collect in a jar increases over time. Then, by helping the poor with these small money, we could get great rewards! In addition, tiny microbes such as corona virus could have been severe. Or a small amount of dirt in the nail could cause a very bad appearance.

Therefore, Gulberenk Children never underestimate the work they could do with the materials they have. They greet their abilities and possibilities bestowed by Allah with great gratitude, and they are always among those whose blessings get increased. After saying these, we shared photos of the things we have produced together last night as we intended! We witnessed children doing ethamine, growing flowers, making bracelets and labels… Some produced a piqué for little babies, others produced robots to protect our country… Few draw a peaceful picture… Thereafter, we got very cheerful and envied when we saw the work of our friends who worked on a desk lamp set, charity box, chocolate making!

A Child of Gulberenk uses and evaluates her/his skills in the best way Allah has given her/him. Thus we got more determined to make more effort and produce! We went to bed hoping to meet again tomorrow!

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice Saglam

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