Dear Visitors,

We were together again in our Before Sleep Program on the first day of the week. We learned valuable knowledge from each other. In the song we listened to, it was saying: “He who performs his prayers in peace and who gives blessings to his Creator…He will really feel peace”. Thus we thought that sometimes we might not be peaceful only when we pray. It was very important that the environment we were in and the people we were with provided relief to our hearts.

It turns out that a human being was a creature that could very quickly fall under attack. For this reason, there should not be any disturbing things around him/her. She/He should stay away from work, friends, and things that cause uneasiness. The most beautiful is that we can walk with joy in our hearts when hand in hand. That is, it was to have friends with whom we could understand the language of love and feel loved.

Also, everyone’s love language was different. When it comes to love, some understand bringing gifts and some understand giving kisses. In fact, the lover should focus on the needs of his/her beloved. If he/she does not do that and puts his/her own self first, then things get complicated. For example, if we asked our father to buy oranges, whatever he brought us… Of course, we would be disappointed.

If we claim that we love our Allah, we should obey his orders and prohibitions and not live according to our own ideas. If we really love him; we should also love to prostrate, bow and dress as He ordered.

Whether we like it or not… Whether it is as planned or not… The choices of the person we say we love should give us joy and relief. For this reason, the prayer ordered by our Lord is not a problem for us; it should give peace of mind.

The most beautiful way of loving is for the sake of Allah. Such lovers do not get unfair, they do not give hardship, if necessary, they move away from their loved ones in order to refresh them. Distance would not affect the real lover, because she/he always carries what she/he loves in her/his heart. For example, our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alayhi and wa sallam sent his companions very far away to convey the message. But even though their bodies separated, their intentions, ideas, causes and deeds remained together. It turns out that love adds strength to people. It relieves many heavy burdens, many burns cool the hearts and cure many troubles. As you can see, love is a blessing, healing, and the most beautiful a treat from Allah.

Thus we prayed, “My Allah! Fill our hearts with the peace of Your love!”, and thus ended our program. No no, we are not separated! We will meet in another Before Sleep Program tomorrow, we fell asleep hoping to be together again!

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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