Dear Visitors,

Tonight, we started our Before Sleep Program by listening to the Shahadat Song. It turned out that when the heart of a person witnesses the existence of Allah and our beloved Prophet’s being the Creator’s servant and messenger, it suddenly gets easier for him/her to say the Shahadah. As such, it would not be difficult for him/her to understand and do what needed. Honestly, it is not easy to be a Muslim, because those who perform the Word of Allah, that is, the shahadat, must pray, fast, wear a veil, that is, they must fulfill all the requirements of the belief.

If something is very precious and great, it would often be difficult to get to it. For example, if a mountain climber wants to climb a very high point, she/he has to embrace many difficulties and risks.

We thought than… Even climbing to the top of a mountain created by Allah was so difficult, who knows how hard it is to reach the Creator? As long as we are in the world, of course we will have some difficulties, but the destination we will reach at the end will be so beautiful that it will be worth everything we have suffered, and we will receive mercy at the end of the trouble.

Some of the people are lazy to do their lessons. They also do not do the homework given by Allah. As such, it would be difficult for them to reach their goals. People who struggle to achieve their goals would be successful in world affairs and approach Allah in proportion to their efforts. It would be easy for those who love the most to bear the difficulties. The more a person loves her/his goal, the stronger she/he can be on the path to Allah. Like this one; For those who love their Creator, it would not be difficult to obey the orders and prohibitions.

It is not enough to simply utter the Word of Allah (Shahadah), it is necessary to understand its meaning and try to live in that direction. Because only those who fully comprehend it can perform their worship with love, enthusiasm and peace. However, sometimes the devil would try to prevent people from good deeds and practices. In this regard, our Almighty Allah says: “Satan cannot harm my sincere servants.” (Isra, 65) As Gulberenk Children, when we heard this, we got determined to do what we want to do sincerely for the sake of Allah! Then we went to our bed with the prayer of reaching eternal salvation!

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Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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