Dear Visitors,

Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association continues with its Before Sleep Programs with great enthusiasm and motivation! During our program tonight, we started by wishing well-being, beauty, health, prosperity from our Beloved Allah. We thought, but we could not finish by counting the blessings of our Almighty. Friendship and love were few of them.

It turns out that everyone’s love language was different from each other, and from time to time we asked the people we were talking about, “How do you want to be loved? In what way do you show your love, does love mean something to you?”. We asked all these questions. Some people like to center themselves; they always expect privilege and interest from their loved ones. On the other hand, non-selfish, fine-spirited people put their souls aside, always think of the well-being of their friends, and they would not have any expectations.

The love language of those who devoted their lives to service was a little different. For example, calling them just to ask about their sake or to prepare feast tables for them did not mean much for these people. They feel loved when they are active and excited about what they try to do for the sake of Allah… When their services are valued… When sincere support is given to their efforts on the path of truth, they can feel it. Because the services in the path of Allah were very important deeds that would lead to Paradise and these people wanted to walk on the same path with their loved ones.

One can be peaceful and happy when she/he is in contact with those who understand her/him. She/He could feel much better when there were people around her/him who could realize what she/he was upset about and what she/he was happy about, and heard what she/he said. But sometimes there may be those who really want to be with those who serve, but cannot find the strength to do so because the burden on their shoulders is too heavy. In such cases, the important thing was that the hearts were united even though they were separated physically. Although sometimes it was necessary to love from a distance, it was very human and natural. In addition, the person who loves should never attribute strength to the beloved, it should not be a problem for her/him, and she/he should definitely fulfill it when she/he promises. Despite the changing conditions in life, it is necessary not to break the balance and to live all feelings in moderation.

So, we have come to the end of a program where we had a deep reflection and gained different points of view! Then, afterwards we miswaked our teeth and combed our hair, we kissed our elders. We went to our beds, read the Surahs of Ihlas, Falaq and Nas, turned to our right and slept in peace.

If you want to take advantage of our program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Merve Doganci


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