Dear Visitors,

We carried out our lesson “From Line to Heart” as Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association on the internet with precious ladies, intending to devotion, contemplation and evolution for the sake of Allah.

At the beginning of our lesson, we asked our participants why they were in the group. Many of them said that they were there because the lessons have been giving peace, have opened their horizons and rested their souls. Together, we read the essay titled “I Could not Love This Night’s Piece”, which offered drops of wisdom from the love of Leyla and Majnun. Our participants realized that true love is an indescribable blessing; however, that the love felt for Allah is a much greater blessing above all else.

Throughout the course, many issues were contemplated. We will share some of the observations made with you in this news: Inaccuracies and imbalances in love can cause the other person to become self-conscious and overwhelmed by excessive interest. The dignity of the immoderate loving person is likely to be damaged. When it comes to love, one had better be like Hz. Abu Bakr (r.a.), that is, to be prudent by relieving the burden of excessive love.

The imbalance in sadness causes our hearts to darken and to emit negative energies around us. All kinds of excesses are related to not accepting the discretion of Allah. Similar difficulties may come upon us again when we fail to grasp the wisdom of the tests we are experiencing and proceed in a positive direction. Troubles are a treat from Allah in order to mature and become worthy of Paradise. We must always feel good towards Allah and try to find out what maturity those troubles will bring us.

Someone who does evil actually harms him/herself, not us. It is unnecessary for a person who realizes this carefully to waste time and tire his/her heart by attaching his/her mind to the evil done. A person who shares a photo of his/her child on social media opens the door to evil. This behavior is haram for a Muslim woman who shares her own photo and unnecessary for a man.

It is not necessary for anyone who eats in accordance with the Sunnah, performs prayers five times a day, and bustles for his/her mother, father, children, sisters and brothers for religious reasons to go to gym. It is forbidden for a person who goes to wear outfit that cover and reveal the body.

You know, our children rebel when we make them have some difficulty for their own good… We need to remember their state. How we are like children. We think our mother has a grudge against us, whereas she merely wants our good. Oh Allah…. Does Allah love us less than our mother? Majnun got away from Lajla just as the child got through a toy… He learned what he had to learn, got older, and the game was over…

This is how, this week we sipped peacefulness with peace of mind during our lesson filled with sincerity, affection, sisterhood / brotherhood and tranquility.

If you want to open new horizons in your precious hours and turn to your heart, you can call 0554 530 11 08 for free registration and information.


Writer: Merve Doganci

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