Dear Visitors,

We started our Before Sleep Program tonight by listening to “Come Come Come Look Song”. Its words were as follows:

“Come on, come look a tiny bird, it is lying on the ground with its wing broken.

In need of your help, it is waiting for you.

Come on come look a little bee, its feet is in jam, Help her fly her wings.

Come on come look a little cat, hungrily saying “Meow!”. Obviously it askes you for food.

Come on come look little ant, How scared it is when it got caught in the net. It will be very happy when you save it”.

It turns out that the cat wants to get rid of hunger, the ant from the net, the bee from the jam. Now, people also want to get rid of the Corona virus. Because its presence could lead to painful consequences! In this program, we thought about the wisdom of the virus coming and then listened to it in its own words! It said:

“Even though I am too small to be seen by the eye, my repercussion is too big! People are terrified of me! But I am surprised by them; because they are not afraid of losing the consent of Allah as much as they fear my losses! Our Allah has sent me to show people how their life in the world is temporary and how helpless they are! Unfortunately, they never think, even though they have minds, while they keep repenting from sins and turning away from bad deeds and returning to good!”.

As Gulberenk Children, we thought long and hard after listening to it. When people were lax in obeying Allah’s orders, viruses were in trouble. If they had done what they needed before they became legitimate, they would not have faced this situation. Everyone should have to obey Allah’s orders and prohibitions. His Holiness Mawlana Celaleddin-i Rumi once said, “There would not be any trouble for a person if Allah does not write. But Allah would not write the truth if the servant does not give into evil”. Just as the bird fell and broke its wing, from time to time the heart could fall into error and break. Just as the ant got caught in the net and had difficulty, sometimes people could be trapped and damaged. Just as the feet of the bee stick to the honey, the soul sometimes gets hung up on wrong deeds with passion… And just as the cat expects food from others, sometimes people expect the things they need from others. At such times, it is necessary to start developing by learning to tidy up, repent, turn to the truth and find solutions.

A true Muslim always respects his/her mother and father, performs his/her prayers in awe, dresses as Allah ordered, and never reaches out to something she/he has no right. This is how people needed to live Islam. If they put themselves in order, they would be avoided from every trouble, including the virus. Our Lord loves His servants very much, sometimes he will admit them with such tests!

At the end of our program, we went to our beds with the peace of learning beautiful things! We returned to our right and went to sleep with the prayer of meeting again tomorrow night.

If you want to take advantage of our program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Merve Doganci

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