Dear Visitors,

Tonight we initiated our Before Sleep Program with Bismillah; that is, we started with the name of Allah, who is the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate. Our beloved Allah knows and observes us more than we do. That is why Allah wants to protect us. Our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu aleyhi wassallam has taught us how to be protected.

As you know, before going to bed, we read the Surahs of Falak, Nas and Ihlas to be conclusive about our protection… Tonight we all have read and repeated the Surah of Ihlas together. Then we listened to our brothers who have read it in different styles.

It turns out that everybody could read Allah’s words in different ways; however, it is necessary to obey all reading rules.

The translation or interpretation of this chapter is as follows: “Say that Allah is One. Allah is Samet. Allah was not born and never gave birth. Allah has no equivalent.” People feel relieved when they commemorate their loved ones. Thus, we were relieved when we remembered our Allah and read the words.

Apart from reading the word of Allah, dealing with different things could be good for a person. Only those who spend their time doing certain jobs may get bored after a while. Anyone who wants to achieve his/her goals should act as much as he/she can and make an absolute effort.

Our beloved Allah is One and only, Allah does not need anything; in fact, we are the ones who need a lot of things. We are in need of working, receiving help, do goodness, do our prayers, perform our rituels … Most of all, we need the grace of Allah …

Even to knit a braid, we do need a crochet, rope, scissors, our hands, eyes, our mind, time, desire and a reasonable goal mobilize ourselves. Even if we had all the materials, we also needed a tutorial, as we did not know how to use them. You see, humans are in need of many things. As you see… After this beautiful knowledge and reflection, we did read the Surah of Ihlas once again and intended to memorize it!

Then, together, we said Amen to this beautiful prayer: “O Allah! We would like to give the İhlas-ı Sharif we read today as a gift to your Habibi and Prophet, the glorious spirit Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alayhi and wasallam and gain the blessings of our Prophet. We give away the Surah as a gift to the souls of the saints, dervishes, mystics, and all the sacred spirits of various living beings. O Allah! Especially forgive our sins and faults, O Almighty! “

In conclusion, if you want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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