Dear Visitors,

We started Before Sleep tonight by listening to the “Hijab Song” with great joy! Some of its words were as follows:

“I am the pearl of my Lord,

I am the first of assets!

I am favorite of the universe,

I am precious with my veil!”

Our Almighty Allah has guided our lives with his orders and prohibitions because he wanted to protect us from all kinds of material and spiritual damages. Here, hijab was one of the most important orders that he made obligatory. For example, the shell that protects the apple and orange from rotting quickly, the inside and the outside is smooth, and the veil that protects people from the evil of malevolent people is the hijab.

Some people did not care about their duty of servitude, did not learn from their mistakes and lived in a state of heedlessness. They were like rotten potatoes on the inside. Some people, when they make a mistake, immediately repent and determine to live directly. They too looked like healthy fruits.

As children of Gulberenk, we should protect our nature from all evident and inherent evils, and pursue deeds through our being at our Lord’s approval!

Before going to bed, we should definitely miswak our teeth and comb our hair, and read the Surahs of Ihlas, Falaq and Nas. Then we should contemplate what we have learned and rest well.

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Merve Doganci



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