Dear Visitors,

Our Before Sleep Program continues with great excitement in Gulberenk Children’s Group! And tonight, we contemplated getting to know ourselves! Our Creator has bestowed upon us humans many qualities and blessings. It turns out that Allah created us because Allah wanted to be known by us. The one who knows him/herself knows Allah. Therefore, a human being should His/Her name, surname, age… his/her flaws, skills… sins, his/her good deeds… What she/he enjoys and what she/he dislikes… What she/he achieved and what she/he did not… You should know very well everything that belongs to you.

We then thought… If we were a painting, and if people like us; but do not mention the person who drew or painted, of course it would hurt the painter. For this reason, we should thank our mother and father for helping us come to the world. Also, before we introduce ourselves in an environment, we should talk about our mother and father, who are our causes. As paintings are mentioned together with their painters, and songs together with their composers, every child also gains meaning when she/he is remembered with her/his parents.

Indeed, human beings take their characteristics mostly from their parents. Many of us are like them; because our genes come from them. Understandably, the better we know our ancestors, the better we know ourselves. Our courage, cowardice, diligence, laziness, generosity, stinginess… Our skin, eye and hair color… There are some characteristics that reach us through gene transitions. You see, how our dear Allah has created us so miraculously.

If one thinks about her/himself, watches how she/he feels in the face of events … What she/he cries and laughs at … How she/he gets angry and how she/he shows mercy … How she/he forgets and remembers things … And thinks about Allah who has created her/him … He/she would be such a nice servant. Before anyone else, one must return to her/his own essence, control his/her own heart, revise his/her own ideas. Also, she/he has to try to understand and know himself/herself. Only then could she/he realize his/her mistakes and be useful to someone else.

After these beautiful reflections, we intended to discover ourselves, to use our skills and to do useful things! “May Allah let us all know ourselves and then be useful to our environment”, we prayed and got drawn to our core beings!

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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