Dear Visitors,


Tonight the topic of our Before Sleep Program was as follows: “What should we ask? What should we not ask?”


  1. First of all, if there is something we do not know, we should ask anyone who might know it. If we make personal comments or ask the wrong person, we are troubling ourselves as we waste time and will not get the right answer for sure.


  1. If doing a job is going to waste our energy and time, we must definitely ask ourselves, “Should I do it or not?”. Because maybe we do not have to do that job and we will get tired in vain.


  1. We should do what we are told. For example, when our mother tells us that we can eat a cookie she gives us, it would be unnecessary to ask her once again: “Mommy, can I eat this cookie?”.


  1. We should definitely ask a question on time. For example, for a program at 13:00 during the day, a plan and preparation should be made at the latest one night before. If we stop and ask about something about the program at 12.30, it would be wrong.


  1. We should ask about a work that is irreversible and appears ambivalent while doing it. Let us say, we have randomly bought a lemon, not knowing if there is lemon at home and we have not asked the people at home. And when we go home, we realize that there is enough of it! In this case, the extra lemons can get rotten and so wasted.


  1. In addition, we should always ask about things we hesitate, we believe we should ask the interlocutor without fear and hesitation. It is almost an art to ask a question in the right place and this in fact requires knowledge and intellect.


We have to pray a lot to our Creator in order to be one of Allah’s servants who does the right deeds by asking wise questions! That is how we went to our beds tonight with the joy and peace of learning things we did not know!


If you too want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information!

Writer: Merve DOGANCI


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