Dear Visitors,

In the Before Sleep Program tonight, we all contemplated “Death” together. It turns out that when a person dies, she/he only wears her/his “shroud” and he enters her/his grave. To the grave, she/he would neither take property, nor money, nor any of his/her valuable belongings.

Since you are going to your original homeland, you do not have to take things like bags, suitcases or even your outfit with you. Everything you need will be met there. Behind the deceased (death) comes only the prayers she/he performed for the sake of Allah, the alms she/he gave and the good deeds done. Accordingly, our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu aleyhi wassallam gave good news on this to his ummah! He once said:

“There are some mansions in Paradise, the outside is seen from inside, and inside is seen from outside. These mansions are for those who speak their words beautifully and nicely, have a sweet tongue, eat food, continue their fasting, and wake up at night and pray for the sake of Allah! (Tirmidhi, Birr / 53)”.

We must be loving, moral, decent and hardworking children who perform their prayers 5 times a day and stay away from all evil deeds such as lying and gossiping! We should obey the orders of our Creator and avoid prohibitions. If we succeed in being a good servant, we will be very peaceful when our time comes and we go to the afterlife!

Then we saw a picture of death. In the picture, a seed thrown into the ground grew green and became a rose branch. Rose has grown from those branches. Then the leaves of that rose turned yellow, fell off and fell back to the ground.

Likewise, there is a seed called “Acbuzzeneb” in the coccyx of the human body. Anyone who leaves the world and enters the grave will grow again from that seed in the afterlife, just like flowers.

We are like beautiful roses. We would add beauty to the world and return to where we came from. There we will blossom again and never fade. We will all watch the beauty of our beloved Allah in eternal paradise! This is our real home!

At the end of our program, we intended to give hard effort to leave pleasant moments, good deeds and goodness to the world and return to our original homeland with joy when the time comes, and we went to our beds in peace.

If you want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information!


Writer: Merve Doganci



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