Dear Visitors,

We started the Before Sleep Program tonight by listening to the “Kite Anthem” with great enthusiasm! All together we sang as follows:

“Who are you hanging out with, what are you hanging on?

Are you flying or sinking?

Is it taking you to the bottom or to the skies?

What are you affected by?”.

Then we thought, as the Children of Gulberenk, we should hold on to the orders of our Allah, the Most High, avoid the things He forbids, and thus find peace! In addition, we should strive to live the sunnah of our Beloved Prophet, Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alayhi and wa sallam. Because he is the most perfect and unique person in the world and the best example that we should take as an example from all aspects!

Our Creator has given some people special abilities. They could have original ideas, create different works, and thus open horizons for others. For example, aunts who cannot produce a lace pattern may need the sample, and those who do not know which dish to cook with the materials they have can get support from the recipes. Besides, those who tried to take advantage of bad examples would probably get harmed. Of course, one who blindly imitates a dish without salt and undercook it cannot produce a delicious meal. The important thing is that what we take as an example should be complete and successful.

Jewelers would rub the gold against the touchstone to see if it is real. Muslims, too, would determine the value and accuracy of the example with the Qur’an and Sunnah, which are their best touchstones!

Everything our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) commanded by our Almighty Allah passed on to the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He is a solid branch that we have to hold on tightly, and a priceless example. We could follow Him with a peace of mind.

One would look like whom he/she hangs out with. It is good to be attached to a good-natured friend; however, not good to hang out with the one who is in harmony with negative features. Some examplary people can glorify and value the person; however, some would pull them to the bottom and damage.

Towards the end of our program, we opened our hands together and prayed as follows: “O Allah! Let us walk behind the beloved Habibi Prophet Muhammad Mustafa and the saints who are his heirs! Our beautiful Creator! Let us join among the servants who walk behind your loved ones, live as you consent, and thus become a good example for those around us. Amen”.

Then we kissed our elders, miswaked our teeth and combed our hair. After sitting on our bed and reading the chapters of Ihlas, Felaq and Nas, we turned to our right and fell asleep peacefully.

If you want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Merve Doganci



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