Dear Visitors,

On the second day of the week during our Before Sleep we have been together again, joyfully and thankfully! This time we talked about good intentions. Turns out it is very important to increase goodness. Because Allah loves those who do good deeds. It is not enough for something to look good alone, that is, the method of doing it and the intention of the heart must be good either. For example, praying is a good thing. First, we have to intend the consent of our Allah, and then we have to pay attention to our goal, clother and so our veil. In addition, we have to perform the surahs and prayers in a correct way.

If we do not support a good action with a pure intention, the work we do can turn into, let Allah forbid, something evil. For example, prayers performed with malevolent intentions such as showing off to others or get slimmer would be both bad and unacceptable. When starting prayer you should say, “I intend to pray for the sake of Allah!”, and not include any other intention in our hearts.

We felt delighted to learn that we can improve our actions outside of prayer with pure intention! For example, when we brew coffee for our father for the sake of Allah, we both make him happy and earn rewards from Allah. If we cook coffee with bad intentions such as showing off and bragging, we cannot go beyond pleasing the devil.

Moreover, the intentions we take outside the consent of Allah will lead us to harm, and we will not be able to gain reward from the action/work we do, and we will not find any of the benefits we hope. There is no expectation of goodness from a job that Allah does not give consent to. And conscious people would not accept a work that Allah did not give consent to. While tidying up our bed, cleaning our room, studying, reading, washing our faces, miswaking our teeth, performing ablutions, praying… In short, we have to intend to do all of our work only for the sake of Allah.

So that was it for today then … We, as Gulberenk Children, performed our ablutions and prayers this evening for the approval of our Creator. We did miswak our teeth and comb our hair. We asked our mothers, fathers and brothers forgiveness and read the surahs of Ihlas, Falaq and Nas. Then we turned to our right side and slept peacefully!

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Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

Yorum Yap