Dear Visitors,

We were together again on the second day of the week, Before Sleep. Tonight, we both read and repeated Nas, one of the surahs read for protection, and listened to the beautiful voice of the brothers. Then, we learned the message of this surah:

  1. Say: I take refuge in the Lord of the people,
  2. People’s property (absolute owner and judge),
  3. To the deity of the people.
  4. From the evil of that insidious waswasa,
  5. He whispers (bad thoughts) on people’s breasts.
  6. I seek refuge in Allah from the evil of all delusions, both from the jinn and from the people!

We take refuge in our Creator by reading the Surah of İhlas, Felak and Nas every night while we go to bed, and biiznillah we will be protected from the evil of all delusions, then we will sleep peacefully.

In this program, when we listened to the brothers who read the Qur’an beautifully, we got envious. It turns out that they made a lot of effort and eventually they came to this level. Everybody can be successful in the subject that is worked on with full effort. People can learn by watching, experimenting, doing and experiencing.

For example, a person who wants to be a master tailor must first become an apprentice and go to a master on certain days of the week. She/he has to look carefully at how the tailor holds the needle, the thread, the scissors, how she cuts the fabric, and accordingly s/he should write down what the tailor tells and then experiment. People spend a lot of time and effort to catch up, enduring many difficulties. For this reason, we should have absolute respect for people who have come somewhere and have achieved success. Because working hard is not for everyone. It is something that special people could do.

We have heard that there are people who flutter about successful people, spend time talking in vain and looking for nonsense! They could not do much! As they did nothing, they also spread a lot of delusions. We should not be like these peoples, we should work courageously and encourage those around us. We should use the descriptions given by Allah beautifully, and we should not forget that we are doing them with the power granted by our Creator.

If waswasa comes to us like, “You cannot do it, you cannot succeed! Oh what will happen to me? What if bad things happen?”, we should read the Surah of Ihlas, Falak and Nas that our Allah has taught us, and relax.

So here we are … Today we learned such good knowledge and we got happy. We ran to our bed hoping to meet again tomorrow!

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Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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