Dear Visitors,

After a two-day break, we were together once again, thankfully and joyfully. Today during the Before Sleep Program, we talked about the “Hijab” issue. We thought and contemplated… Hazelnuts, walnuts, watermelons, melons, tomatoes, cucumbers, lemons, oranges and many other things that we cannot count, had a shell that preserves the essence.

The shell of the people was the dress code she/he wore. It turns out that our dear Allah ordered the veil to both hide us and protect us from evil eyes. Allah wants us to do things that are for our benefit, and Allah forbids us what is to our detriment. It turns out that no Muslim could go out dressed according to his/her own ideas. Both ladies and gentlemen should dress according to the measure determined by Allah.

Our Creator, the Almighty, has stated the following in the 59th verse of Surah Ahzab: “O Prophet! Tell your wives, daughters and women of the believers to wear their clothes that will cover their bodies. This is more appropriate for them to be recognized and not hurt. Surely, Allah is very forgiving, very merciful”. If we keep the word of our Creator, Allah, will protect us from all kinds of harm and evil. Moreover, when we obeyed Allah’s orders, we would feel much happier and more peaceful. When we live according to our minds, we would regret and get sad.

It turns out that some were indulgenly making mistakes until the end of their lives. Some people worry about even the smallest bruise and try to recover. Some would be in rot, which would not be known from the outside. Some would have been rotten from the inside, and no one would even have hopes for them. When we realized these, we prayed together: “O Allah! Protect us from such people and from falling into such situations! Please allow us to worry properly and in a timely manner, and let us take the necessary measures and recover. Protect all of us from late regrets and the last moment of repentance, so that we can gain consent”.

Fortunately, we, Gulberenk Children, were the same from both inside and outside. When we heard this, we were both happy and grateful!

Here we are than … Tonight, we grasped the hijab issue very well. Together, we have decided to obey the orders of our Allah willingly! Then we opened our hands and begged Allah as follows: “O Allah! Make us safe from all kinds of damages! We are small, we are weak, we cannot handle heavy loads. Make us sure of everything we fear! May we serve peacefully, joyfully and thankfully in the way of you, and migrate with faith at the last breath! Amen!”.

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM



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