Dear Visitors,

Tonight we started our program by listening to the “Sad Song”. Again, we dived into different contemplation! It turns out that there will be troubles and joys here… There will be sorrow and happiness… There will be tiredness and rest… There will be successes and failures… You see, there everything! After all, the world is a place to be tested, everyone could be tested with something. The important thing was to try to pass the exams in accordance with the consent of our Allah. When we heard that many misfortunes in the world do even happen for the sake of old people, children and friends of Allah, we got very surprised! We were glad and we said “Thank Allah we are children”.

Then we learned that there may be a convenience after each difficulty, that is, every happines or easiness can be followed by difficulties. It turns out that every person living in the world can have sweet exams with their mother, father, siblings or friends. When we think of our thousands of Muslim brothers and sisters who are constantly at war in their country and going through many painful and difficult tests, we got ashamed to call our own experiences a test besides what they suffered!

We were grateful for being able to live peacefully in our cozy homes, not to suffer from hunger, and to sleep in our beds without fear. “May Allah protect our country, our nation, our religious brothers and sisters and us from the evil of bad people!” we prayed. This world is such a place of sadness. Of course, there are moments of joy too. Just as someone who is always full has become unable to enjoy the blessings of eating over time, Ssomeone who does not experience sadness could not appreciate the value of joy. Therefore, we needed sorrows.

As you can see, everything in the universe is perfect. For that reason, everybody has a need for joy, sadness, success and failure, and being without money. Each of the tests given by our Creator will make us mature. We should love them, get the messages we need to receive and pass those exams.

Moreover, we should be grateful for sorrows and gratitude for joys, because if we praise our sorrow it will decrease, and if we are thankful, our joy will increase. Our Allah Almighty on this issue commands the following: “I increase the grace of those who appreciate things.” (Ibrahim, 7). After this beautiful verse we learned, we opened our hands and said to our Allah as follows: “O Allah! Allow us to appreciate everything we deserve! Keep us safe from unnecessary sorrows, excessive joys, failures that lead us to despair, and successes that lead us to arrogance!”. Once our beloved Prophet once said, “If you knew what I know, you would laugh less and cry more!” (Tirmidhi, Zuhd 9). Let us be the auspicious ummah that makes Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu wasallam smile! Amen!

Tonight, we ended our program with this beautiful prayer. No, we did not say goodbye, we just went to bed hoping to meet again on weekdays, all our hearts are one!

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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