Dear Visitors,

We started the Before Sleep Program with joy this evening by listening to “The Song of Thorn in the Rose”! Some of its words were as follows:

“You think trouble is mercy, behind your face is wisdom.

On the way to the rose, it is the power of enthusiasm with determination.”

It turns out that in life, it was very important to be able to see the beauties behind the troubles and to radiate positive energy around. For example, water; for some, it was an incomparable blessing, for others it was a colorless liquid that took the shape of the container it was in.

One day, our beloved Prophet, Prophet Muhammad Mustafa salallahu alayhi wesallam, while walking with his companions, encountered the dead of a dog on the road. Those who were there were disturbed by the bad smell and view; however, the presence of our Almighty drew attention to the beauty of the teeth of the dog with his grace. This event is one of the exceptional examples that show a magnificent perspective.

In addition, there were many wisdoms even in today’s coronavirus test. On the bright side, the quarantine guardian has been the occasion for most people who cannot listen to themselves and listen to the voices of their hearts in the fast-paced time. The epidemic has made it possible to recognize impotence and loneliness. The death of those who came to fate due to the virus prepared the environment for others to feel the temporality deeply and to get closer to the truth.

As Gulberenk Children, we should know that nothing is more than what is seen. In addition, instead of worrying about our stage shows that were canceled due to the pandemic, we should have been grateful for our valuable activities that started in the Telegram application!

If you also want to benefit from our work, you can review the Membership and Regulations menu on the website and become a member of the Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association without wasting time! ?


Merve Doganci



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