Dear Visitors,

As Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, we continue with our Before Sleep Program with joy! Tonight we started our program by listening to “Seven Tongue Songs” with full enthusiasm!

We learned that even though sometimes people speak the same language, their hearts and minds do not agree, they cannot get along with each other. Some have lovingly made an effort to communicate with their counterpart. Even if they do not talk, they can get along with their looks and hearts.

Some people try to speak by shouting when they feel that they can not make their voices heard or express themselves to the people around them. That is, the vocal cords are one of the blessings our Creator has entrusted to us. We should never tire them more than necessary, we should be strict in speaking and being silent.


As our program ended, we all listened to the “Saltless Fish Song”. We said:

“Our voice, our words, our eyes are Yours.

You are our inner, outer, essence.

The past and the future are yours.

Al-Bari, al-Kerim, el-Musavvîr, al-Hakim. “


Then, we miswaked our teeth and brushed our hair, prayed to meet again on Monday evening. After reading the chapters of Ihlas, Falaq and Nas, we turned to our right and feel asleep.

If you want to take advantage of our beautiful programs, you can become a member of Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association and call 0542 808 82 58 for detailed information and registration.


Merve Doganci



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