Dear Visitors,

During our Before Sleep tonight, we both learned some very precious knowledge about being planned and shared our ideas about it. It turns out that as long as a person lives in an organized way, both her/his time will get expanded and become more organized. Moreover, he/she will physically and spiritually feel good and radiate positive energy around him/her.

Minutes and seconds are actually longer than we consider. For some reason, people do not understand how they wast time by obeying the nafs and the devil while doing vain deeds. We do make some works so big in our minds. But then, we realize that it is not that difficult and tiring at all when we start doing it. For example, praying, sewing a ruffle, helping our mother with housework, doing our homework are not things that actually take our time.

In order to do a lot of work in a little time, we have to be with absolutely good people. Because whoever we associate with, we will become like him/her over time. When we spend time with someone who is planning her/his time, we too can be a planned, and scheduled person.

In order to plan our day, first of all, we should take the pen and paper and create a chart. We have to think carefully about what we could do at what time and how long we could take a break after what work. Turns out time is valuable, and the believer is punctual. Having two equal days means lacking organization and productivity. For this reason, we, as Gulberenk Children, intend to prepare our daily and weekly plans! Thus we hoped to meet again tomorrow and went to bed with prayers!

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Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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