Dear Visitors,

Our Before Sleep Program, prepared by Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, continues with all its excitement! Both new things have been added to what we have known until now and our horizons have expanded! We understood from the song we listened to tonight that we should not get bored, but be tight and lively children. We have to deal with good and beneficial works and spread positive energy around us. If we do not engage our ego in good and useful works, our ego will drag us into unhelpful and useless deeds. If we focus on the works that Allah approves of, our minds would be filled with good ideas and our hearts with joys.

In fact, the important thing when dealing with a business is that we have profit and our hearts are in our Creator. If we do not remove Allah from our hearts, we will get a different taste from every work we do. It turns out that the mind was limited and therefore one might not understand everything. Despite this, if one tries to make small calculations, she/he cannot be brave and reach his/her goal. But when we believe in our Allah, even if there are things we cannot understand, we could walk with great energy and continue on our way by saying “Oh Allah! You are Kerim!”.

As we cannot understand everything, we cannot know who is working for what only by looking from the outside; because everything is more than what it seems. It turns out that everyone has had a secret chamber in their hearts. A person who fills him/her with the love of Allah, he will do everything for Allah and earn rewards. On the contrary, if she/he fills her/his secret room with empty things, bad intentions and ugly ideas, his/her work would be worthless.

After this beautiful knowledge, we thought about the blessings that our Almighty Creator has given us and we could not finish counting. We did not even know how to thank Him. We prayed to Allah to increase our gratitude!

Here we are then … We ended our program today. No no, we did not say goodbye! We went to our core to digest what we learned!

If you also want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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