Dear Visitors,

In our Before Sleep Program tonight we said, “We must do good and useful things!” and rolled up our sleeves!

Allah does not like the idle. Those who are idle constantly say “Offf!” and overwhelm themselves and also those around them. What they do is very much wrong as they rebel while wasting time and energy.


Allah loves the one who are thankful because those who are thankful say “Ohhh!”.  Thereby, they in a way refresh themselves and those around them. The more they feel relieved the more their gratitude increases, and their mind and attention developes further. As we engage our nafs with good and beneficial deeds, we feel relieved, and as we feel relieved, we get grateful. Upon hearing this, we immediately started to think about what was auspicious and beneficial. We thought, we thought, we thought.


Apparently, there were a myriad useful things one could do! We got surprised! Then we immediately started counting so we would not forget:


Praying was the first of good deeds that refreshed our soul and body. Then, reading the Qur’an, giving alms thus making someone happy and receiving prayers were all very good deeds. It was also a great idea to ease the burden of our mothers by helping them, to bake a cake for our fathers, to shine the shoes at home and be the greatest house painter.


Tidying up our rooms, cleaning and arranging our closets were both relaxing and refreshing. Writing diaries, knitting and painting are also nice activities that we should include to our daily programs. Well, maybe, reading books, learning new words, and growing plants were essential too.


Doing research on different subjects we wonder about, sewing, taking photographs were all wonderful works. We could learn to make slides with the photos we took, so we could cause people to gain new knowledge and relax by watching different landscapes. It would be very good if we give effort to make our writing beautiful. We should not be contented with these and learn how to embroider. We could prepare notification boards by using two ways of embroidery, and so we could get beautiful boards to be given as gifts.


Saying the rosary… It has been one of the most relaxing works. Especially, if we buy wooden beads and arrange our own rosary, well, this is all the more the best thing. It would very nice to play one word and one sum with our family, while listening to Gulberenk Songs, have our grandfather tell about his memories, and get advice from our grandmother.


It was also a very beneficial act to offer water to animals. A container of water that we put on our balcony or in our garden would help birds, cats and dogs meet their water needs and it would turn into mercy.

Learning a hadith is a very important job we have to do every day. However, we should pay attention to the following: We should not memorize, but learn! Because what would benefit us most was not to memorize like a parrot, but to live, that is, to learn the necessities of hadiths. Because only the one who live by them would know.




It was also very relaxing and beneficial to clean the dust at home every day, to comb our hair, to cut our nails, that is, to clean the place we live in and our body. Helping to set and remove the table, wash the dishes, and fold the laundry would make us feel good and relieved the load. Preparing and presenting gifts with the intention of making someone else happy and thus attaining Allah’s approval would heal the heart.


Gulberenk Children, when there are so many auspicious and beneficial works, would not feel emptiness, on the contrary, they would know how to spend their days, weeks, months…that is to say, their whole lives.


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