Dear Visitors,

Tonight at our Before Sleep Program, we shared photos, videos and messages from Gulberenk Children, who spent their day doing good and beneficial works. Gulberenk Children, each one of them is precious one by one, used their time by doing good things again. Realizing this, we have become very, very happy.


Some of them found peace by praying and some by reading the Qur’an. Those who offered food and water to the animals, and those who relieved the burden of their mothers by contributing to the house labour of the place they lived, made us smile with joy.


From shining the shoes in the house to preparing a surprise cake for the father; from helping the mothers to preparing breakfast and repairing their necklaces, these were all our Gulberenk Children. Well, we even had the ones roling some pastry, or the ones who did chatting with a dog. If you wanted more, well, there were also those miswaking their teeth. Those who made their time productive by reading useful publications and those who tried to learn the Qur’an with their small and tiny hands are always our friends.


There also have been the ones who took the fallen flower tenderly, put it in its pot and brought it back to life, gave water to the strawberries she/he is growing, repairing her/his toy with a screwdriver in hand, and creating flower branches with melted candles. All these children are ours.


We really do not know if we are to be honored with our friend who rushed to the mosque with his prayer rug in order to pray in congregation or if we are to feel happy with the one who enriched her cultural knowledge by reading a book in her peaceful room. Thus, tonight we had a very nice program in which we felt the ultimate happiness.


It turns out, we said, goodness is also beautiful when it is not only lived but shared. Thank Allah! Fortunately, there was prayer, there was goodness… And it is good that we were together in the Gulberenk Children’s Group.


There was more to share but the duration of the program was not sufficient. Thus we said goodbye to continue with the rest tomorrow night. In fact, we did not really said goodbye, it is not like that, we just said farewell to contemplate and digest what we have seen and what we have heard, each of us gladly lay down on our beds.

Yorum Yap