Dear Visitors,

This evening in our Before Sleep Program we chose the poster for October’s Gulberenk Educational Children’s Program “Bracelet around the wrist”. We examined each of poster, the Pink, Lilac and Colored ones participating in the competition. Then we highlighted the work we found the most successful in the questionnaire sent to us! As a result of the voting, the Colored Banner, which has bracelets with words such as sewing, technology, foreign language, knitting, has come first this month!

We learned that when choosing the first in posters, it was necessary to pay attention to issues such as good colors and good use of technique, originality and correct information. In addition, while evaluating, we respected those who made a great effort to compete with the poster, even if they made a mistake.

Our beloved Allah loves those who work and those who work to do good work, and promised them victories. Allah also never wants people to be lazy. Just as it is necessary to work hard to finish school successfully, it is necessary to strive and work to earn heaven. Those who perform their prayers and fast, and who respect their parents at the same time deserve paradise by the grace of our Creator. Allah asks us to work for heaven as well. As Gulberenk Children, we should work hard for both the world and the afterlife!

So, tonight, after a very peaceful program, we took our ablution and performed our prayers. After miswaking our teeth and combing our hair, we laid down, turned to our right and slept with prayers!

If you want to take advantage of the Before Sleep Program, you can call 05428088258 for free registration and information!


Writer: Merve Doganci

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