Dear Visitors;

We started Before Sleep Program tonight by listening to the “Sunnah March” and learned how to eat according to the Sunnah!

It turns out that there are some ways to eat in accordance with the Sunnah. These are as follows;

1-Eating clean and halal food,

2- Eating thoughtfully,

3-Chewing too much,

4-It means swallowing our bite, which we have chewed so much, by thanking our Creator!

So, if we pay attention to these things, we will stay away from diseases to a great extent and we will be healthy. Even our cells contemplate Allah more easily! But if we eat greedily and swallow the food without thoroughly chewing, our liver will be filled with toxins. Our stomach will be stressed, our intestines will no longer be able to empty itself, and we may be sick. In addition, if we eat one after the other even though our stomach is full, our body only works to digest food, so blood will not flow to our brain. After all, we cannot digest ideas and understand what we hear!

As Gulberenk Children, we should have eaten with conviction, gratitude, contemplation and chewing a lot. We should not underestimate bread, milk, fruit, or even water, but we should know that they are foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Then, we all listened to the “Song of Trust”! It turns out that our body, health, time, toys, hair and even our breath have entrusted us. We should be grateful to our Creator, the Most High, who has given us these blessings and who is the owner of all the trusts!

Our faith is also entrusted to us, and in order for us to remain healthy, we must obey Allah’s orders and our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu. We have to try to live the sunnah of Him. For example, before putting on our shoes, turning them over and shaking them, using a miswak and combing our hair are very precious Sunnahs!

So, at the end of our program, we went to our beds with the joy of the wonderful information we learned and with the hope of meeting again tomorrow night.

If you want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information.


Writer: Merve Doganci

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