Dear Visitors,

Our Before Sleep Program continues with all its excitement in the Group of Gulberenk Children! This evening, we started our program with good wishes and prayers. Then we gained the following knowledge: Our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once said, “How happy is it to those who do good to their mother and father! May Allah upgrade her life!” (Heysemi, VIII, 137). However, we heard that some brothers and sisters made their mothers and fathers very upset. They neither sit at the table and eat with them, nor give notice when going out. We were both surprised and saddened by this situation. Thus we prayed, “May Allah give them good morals, understanding and respect!”.


It turns out that some people would make up things that were not there. Those people who do not understand the phrases pronounced in the simplest way were either too foolish, too careless or too malicious. We should never return from our righteous track just because a liar made up words. We had to be very brave and walk towards charity with patience and determination without giving up. We should be careful, intelligent and pure-minded people who can understand the words and situations described in the best way. If we can achieve this, we can both hear and understand what is being said correctly and behave correctly.


First, we should be kind to our parents and turn into mercy for everyone around us, and then we should strive to do our services and works in the best way possible. We should respect not only humans, but also plants and animals, and be auspicious to all living and non-living creatures. We should know how to keep a secret, to be patient and wait in line, to apologize, to forgive, to thank and to thank.


Here we are then… Tonight, we ended our program with good knowledge and with the “Exemplary Human Anthem”! together, we fulfilled our duties before sleeping. Then, we hoped to put what we learned into our lives and we went to our beds with his prayer!


If you want to benefit from this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information. ?


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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