Dear Visitors;

We started our Before Sleep Program tonight by listening to the “Number in Glasses Program Song”! Some of the lyrics of the song were as follows:

“People think we only have two eyes.

People are wrong, we also have heart eyes.

We have three eyes, two on our faces and one in the heart.

We have a few words about them in this song!”.

We thought, no matter how healthy our “head eyes” were, they could not see tiny viruses like Covid19 without the aid of a microscope. Therefore, we may have difficulty resisting microbes that we cannot see. We learned that there are certain things we can do to protect ourselves against these viruses and to feel healthier and more vigorous:

Every morning; We should drink a teaspoon of black cumin and oat and eat honey. Then, we should have a simple breakfast like a fruit-cheese-bread trio and chew the food very well. We should not eat again before we get hungry, that is, before the bread looks like a pastry to our eyes. When we eat too much, our body uses all its strength to digest food, and it becomes unable to fight germs and viruses. That is, the less and more concious a person eats, the stronger and healthier she becomes!

Besides, our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu once said the following:

“A few bites are enough to straighten one’s waist. One should fill one-third of her stomach with food, one-third with water, and one third with breathe. (Tirmidhi, Zuhd / 47)”. Towards the evening, we should have a simple meal, sleep through the night, keep our spirits high, and take good care of our bodies. Also, we should have benefited from Gulberenk Songs that feed our mind and give joy! Then, towards the end of our program, we listened to the “One Anthem” peacefully!

“One should give the One in hand to those who have no condition for the One in the heart.

This way one will become hundred and hundred will become thousand!”.

It turns out that sometimes we can achieve great rewards with something small. If we do one good deed for the sake of our Creator, He would give us dozens of rewards! Our Allah is very generous! Thus, with the excitement of learning valuable knowledge, we took our ablution and performed our prayers! We put on our pajamas, miswaked our teeth and combed our hair. We read the chapters of Ihlas, Felaq, Nas and turned to our right and went to slept.

If you want to join this beautiful program, you can call 0542 808 82 58 for free registration and information!


Writer: Merve Doganci

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