Dear Precious Members,

With the collaboration of Ardesen Gulname Social Assistance and Solidarity Association and Gulberenk Values Education Association we presented very special moments to the children and ladies of Ardesen.

On the first day, we had our conference only for ladies, and on the second day we held the Educational Children’s Program specifically for children spectators. We believe that with these people of Ardesen experienced a very different weekend, as we realized they all attended the programs with full interest and enthusiasm.

Educator and writer Neslihan Nur TURK’s conference entitled, “What Do We Live For?” was quite horizon opening and thought provoking. We commemorated our beloved Prophet and his sunnah in the children’s program with the title, “The Universe Rotates Towards Him”.

We would like to express our gratitude to Mrs. Rahime OZBEN for her sincere and warm hospitality. Thereby, we also want to thank all the association officials and employees, and hope to be partners again at another charity.
Greetings Ardesen!

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