Dear Precious Members,

A Musical Values Education Course passed through Kocaeli with the collaboration of Gulberenk Values Education Association and Kocaeli Yagmur Youth Development Center. In addition to the educators who on the teaching staff of the Department of Religious Affairs and National Education, also honorary educators and mothers who have been working in the field of non-formal education participated in the program.

Through the program we shared our thoughts on what kind of dangers our generations are exposed to and how we can protect our children from such an evil bombardment. We also presented our ideas on alternative activities and artworks to be introduced through the lessons. And we emphasized how our national and spiritual values can be taught by musical methods.

We would like to thank all the educators who have enriched the program with their enthusiastic participation and who have gained the right to receive a certificate of participation at the end. We thank Kocaeli Yagmur Youth Development Center for their effort and wish to be partners again in the near future.

Yorum Yap