Dear Valuable Visitors,

Gulberenk Values Education Association conducted a workshop on education and a concert program in Corlu in collaboration with Hudayi Science Society and Corlu Mufti’s Office of Family and Religious Guidance.
Throughout the workshop Gulberenk Values Education Association president, educator and author Neslihan Nur TURK shared her knowledge and experiences about educators working in Corlu, cooperation with parents’ in kindergarten education, musical practices and students with adaptation problems.

Thereafter, the concert of contemplation, which was organized for the precious ladies of Corlu, started with the participation of an intense number of audience. The concert, which staged various scenes of deep and special moments, was completed with great success with means of bringing fresh new feelings, new and beautiful perspectives, and spiritual overflow.

We would like to express our gratitude to the authorities of Amine Hatun Girls Qur’an Course, who welcomed us with a warm welcome, and we thank Hudayi Science Society and Corlu Mufti’s Office of Family and Religious Guidance for their enriching partnership. The result was our common success! Lastly, we hope to be together again through upcoming meetings. Greetings Çorlu!

Yorum Yap