Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk Values Education Association president, educator and author Neslihan Nur TURK was in Aksehir on the weekend with the invitation of Aksehir Mufti’s Office. For two days, Mrs. Turk gave lectures on Musical Values Education to the Qur’an Course teachers that are trained in the context of the Mufti’s Office. And on Saturday evening she realized a speech open to public.

Through the lessons she explained how education can be made more lasting and efficient with musical methods, andduring the courses there were very exciting moments. The intensive interest of the participants almost metaphorically sweetened the courses.

We, as Gulberenk, would like to thank the Aksehir Mufti’s Office and all the teachers.
Hope to meet again!

After giving our second appointment we left Aksehir, the city will always have a good place in our memories. Until we meet again in new programs, with love and respect Aksehir!

Yorum Yap