Dear Distinguished Members,

Educator, author and founding president of Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association Neslihan Nur Turk was in Adana for a conference program with the invitation and contribution of Adana Fasl-i Bahar Social Aid Education and Art Association and Gulberenk Adana Bees.

Through the conference program entitled, “Living Faith with Love” concepts like faith and love were mentioned. During the conference Mrs. Turk put emphasis on how worldy love and its outcomes hinder otherworldly love. She also elaborated on what one should do to reach a living filled with faith including love.

Three hundred precious ladies from Adana, Mersin, Tarsus, Osmaniye, Nigde and Bor participated to the program. The program, which took place at the Good Deeds Service Building, lasted approximately for three hours. Following the program, Neslihan Nur Turk signed her books and CDs for the participant ladies.

Thereby, we would like to thank Adana Fasl-i Bahar Social Aid Education and Arts Association officials and Gulberenk Adana Bees for their wonderful contribution to the organization and we wish to meet again and again in many upcoming charity programs. 🙂

Yorum Yap