Dear Guests,

Gulberenk Values Education Association Founder President, Trainer and Author Neslihan Nur Turk was in Denizli for a conference program with the invitation of Erkam Publication Denizli Branch. Right before the conference, Mrs Turk had her talk at Erkam Bookstore Talk Room and she pinpointed issues about duties done according to capabilities, supporting the ones on duty, get along well with people, living according to Sunnah and distancing oneself from wasting.

Through the conference entitled Woman and Grace there was focus on the principles of Muslim woman’s grace like how external grace should be combined with inner grace, a woman could raise her status of worship towards Allah by surrounding the heart with beautiful features. Three hundered fifty ladies coming from Denizli and its disctricts attended the conference organized at Denizli Public Education Center Conference Hall. We would like to thank the officials of Erkam Publication Denizli Branch who contributed to the organization, and wish to meet again in many other good deeds.

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