Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk Values Education Association Founding President, educator and Author Neslihan Nur Turk was in Istanbul for a contemplation concert program with the invitation of Fatih Girls Anatolian Imam Hatip High School.
In the program, many subjects such as love, divine love and death were contemplated and valuable musical works were performed.

The program, held in the high school’s conference hall, welcomed teachers and students of the school, so a total of two hundred precious ladies participated. After about two hours of the program, Mrs. Neslihan Nur Turk signed books and CDs for the participants.

We would like to thank the Fatih Anatolian Imam Hatip High School officials, especially the professional teacher Ayse Ozturker, who contributed to the organization, and wish to meet again and again in many upcoming good times.

Yorum Yap