Dear Visitors,

Lectures from Line To The Heart Sessions at our Friday Meetings, prepared by Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association, have been taking place between 05:00 and 07:00 since last week, in the silence of the morning and in peace. On this occasion, the happiness and abundance we long for are felt in our hearts! We thought deeply and our Allah gave everyone different states. Actually, what happened to us was because of what we did with our hands and tongue. Our Creator graces us with whatever we want, whether we are aware of it or not. Sometimes with our deeds, and sometimes with our words. It is up to us to wish both sadness and joy.

For this reason, we decided to turn our prayers into positive! Then we took our prayer rugs and begged Allah! Then, we opened our windows and breathed deeply, breathing in the fresh air. We thanked our Creator, Allah, who bestowed on living the beauty of the dawn and benefiting from his blessings and abundance! In addition, after that, we decided to constantly seek the mercy that poured out in these good times.

The sound of the adhan in our ears, the coolness of the air in our skin, His works in our eyes and His love in our hearts… Allah took each of us to other realms …

After this sweet peace, we realized how hasty we were; we regretfully realized how we did our works, worship and many other things without giving them due! We also saw that we are like baklavas that have not fully absorbed their sherbet. However, we must absorb the perfection to the fullest and taste. We should know how to enjoy the moment, not just digesting it.

After this precious determination, we prayed, “Our Beloved Allah! With gratitude and digestion of your grace! Please let us be pleased and accept anything that comes from You!”. So, we came to the end of another lesson with the peace, gratitude and love of prayer in our hearts. We were drawn to our essences with the relief and joy of witnessing the first lights of the day.

If you want to benefit from this course that will heal your success, you can call 05545301108 for free registration and information.


Writer: Hatice SAGLAM

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