Dear Visitors;

Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association continues its From Line to The Heart Sessions at Friday Meetings with great enthusiasm and stability! In this week’s lesson, we deepened our contemplation on the notions of renewal, zeroing (refreshing), and being born from the ashes. By removing everything that will make a person feel exhausted from his / her life, to form a kind of revival … We also learned that we have to learn from our experiences, and this way become stronger and more mature…Then, we talked about the need to walk with new or people who have courage to renew themselves.

We rejuvenated the awareness that our time in the world will end soon, and remembered the importance of shaking off and recovering.

If there are people around us who reduce our energy, undermine our positive thoughts, blunt our hopes by laziness, we need to distance ourselves from them. It is not worth it for anyone to change our beliefs, get tired unnecessarily and waste our time … We felt that destiny is approaching at full speed for all of us and how necessary it is to increase the discipline to work for the sake of Allah. On the other hand, we talked about the reasons for fatigue before positive changes. We talked about the dangerous tedium of many of the people, caused by lack of planning, overeating, excessive comfort and aimlessness… being blind and ungrateful to the grace of the Allah.

Most of the work that will normally take us half an hour when we do not take action, will accumulate in our minds. Thus, we said that there is no boredom, worry and delusion for people who work towards their goals with hope and work in a planned way. At the end of our lesson, we listened to the “Service Anthem” with our participants. In the light of what we have learned, we intend to stop being lazy from now on, wake up and work diligently for the sake of Allah!

Then, as Muslims, who decided to be refreshed and recovered until next week, we got drawn to our shells with the prayer of meeting again.

If you want to benefit from this wise lesson, you can call 0554 530 11 08 for free registration and information.


Writer: Merve Doganci

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