Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs, which are being prepared every month in Istanbul with the collaboration of Golden Child and Gulberenk Values Education Association, are at the present six years old!

Gulberenk realized its very first program of the 2015 – 2016 season in September. This program’s theme has been on “praying” and is entitled, “I am clean because I do my prayers!”. Through the programs, which have become excellent with the interest and enthusiasm of the audience, we learned that we can not do our prayers unless our clothes, rooms and bodies are clean.

Thus we learned that the first two of the twelve obligations of praying (salaah) is related to cleanliness. Allah wants us to come towards him as the blessed servants, and this would happen only if we cleanse ourselves and our environment in which we will pray. Think about dear friends! How can a Muslim be dirty who is praying five times a day? We are clean, because we are Muslims who do their prayers (salaah).

During the program we learned by experience that cleaning is not that easy. It is in fact a tiresome and time consuming work. On the other hand, it is very enjoyable to work and pray in a very nice and neat environment after all the cleaning up.

We made a decision as the children of Gulberenk: We will wash our dirty socks ourselves and start praying five times a day. Our friends who participated in the prize-winning “Weaving Competition” designed again greatly successful works. Our winners took their awards with great joy. Taha Elgormus, a 6-year-old little boy from the audience, said that the program was very beautiful and he wanted to come again and said he loved the child very much. 10-year-old Rana Nesibe Arslan said that she learned a lot during the program.

We said goodbye to meet up again in the “I am neat because I do my prayers” themed October program. In the meantime, we will organize a musical values education course in Gonen and afterwards we will realize the Feast of Sacrifice happily. So let us finish the word for now and hope to meet you in the beauties of goodness. Good bye for now!

Yorum Yap