Dear Valued Visitors,

Our Project which we work hard with the members of our association and volunteers gave a succesful result finally.

Gulberenk Memorial Forest plaque get its place in Bayramkoy, Ankara.

Within the scope of “National Forestation Day” organized by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, tillers of us have been planted in October 11, 2022.

To leave ten thousand tillers for the future touched our hearts and made us dignified.

To represent the Gulberenk, Miss Elmas, a member of association, was there and this program was shared live and online.

We thank to everyone who contributed in this project, helped us to achieve the goal, hope to meet in good works.

If you want to join the Works of Gulberenk Values Education Association, please check out the Membership and Regulation menu on our website.

Yorum Yap