Dearr Precious Readers!
Gulberenk is only a few days away from February Ankara programs.
In the second week of each month, we will have a special conference program for women on the first day in Ankara and in the second day there will be the Educational Children’s Program for children. For those who want to participate from Ankara and the surrounding cities, the address information is as follows.
Wish to see you soon with love!
Gulberenk Conference:
February 8th, Saturday / Hour: 13.00
Address: Sincan Municipality Lale Conference Hall Lale Square / Ankara

Gulberenk Educational Children’s Program:
February 9th Sunday / Hour: 13.00
Address: Ministry of National Education Sura Hall Muammer Yasar Bostancı Caddesi Ministry of Education Campus K Blok Besevler / Ankara

Phone for more information:
0537 766 55 36

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