Our precious members,

Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs are continuing after our break due to the Ramadan Feast! In August, we performed with the theme, “I am thoughtful; because I perform my prayers!”. Thoughtful kids, we believe, would be beneficial, do good things, never commit harm to anyone. Thinking well will help one to live according to plans, produce, and evaluate the time in the best way. Allah will be pleased if we use our intelligence for goodness and kindness.

It is nice to be thoughtfull; but it is not really right to think a lot and do nothing. A person should practice what she/her thinks. One always has to think about her/his own responsibilities and own business, which will bring peace to the society. For example, a civil engineer should think about how the buildings will be better built; a poliçe officer should think about how to make the best use of her/his mission, a baker should consider how she/he can bake a better and healthier bread. If a greengrocer starts to think about the business of a butcher, and a teacher thinks about a fisherman’s work, there would be a complication.

The most we need to think about is Allah, who created us, and how we might serve Him better as human beings. One has to fulfill His orders and should avoid the bans (sins). Those who pray five times a day are the succesful ones. Gulberenk children pray five times a day, they are all thoughtful kids! Therefore, this program was very useful for all of us. Thus, we decided to contemplate more often, and we realized while thinking a lot we should not miss any opportunity of doing a good deed.

In this program, educators from Biga, Gonen, Bandirma, Urgup and the center of Nevsehir received a great deal of training. Among our audience, we had guests from Dagestan, Moscow and Vienna.
From September onwards, we will meet up with our new program of the fresh new period and we are very excited! Right now, we need to get back to work immediately!

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