Dear Precious Members,

After the break in the Eid al-Adha, Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs have started again! The foggy program was the second program of the year and told us beauty of loving our parents. Very much like the fog that makes it difficult to see our front, to disrespect our parents will lead to the formation of fogs in our hearts, thus making it difficult for us to see our parents’ good intentions. Many unhappy children have been unhappy due to upsetting their parents. However, children who have shown love and respect to their parents have been able to be peaceful and successful by receiving their prayers.

The hearts of children who are not bothered by the needy around them are most probably covered by fog. For example, it would be necessary to worry about another child’s starving, a cat’s not finding milk, and to see the drying up the soil of a flower. He/she who feels troubled and sorrow will find the remedy. The easiest way to be happy is to please a heart. As the human feeds the hungry, waters the plants, protects the animals and watches over them, the fogs in her/his heart will dissappear for sure.

Moreover, children who are not satisfied with what God has given them have fogs in their hearts too. These fogs prevent these children from seeing that there is a charity and beauty whatever Allah does every time. When one welcomes eveyrthing that comes from Allah, he/she will smile even if he/she lives with great grief. For instance, some of the children whose mother and father has died would be smiling even though they have been filled with longing.
Do you know that these children, orphans, resemble to our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu aleyhi and wa sallim. He, peace be upon Him, lost his father right before he was born and his mother when he was six. This situation has made him feel much closer to Allah and a stronger man, and this never let Him to despair.

The foggy program taught us how to get rid of the fog covering our hearts and how to fill up ourselves with beautiful emotions even in the most difficult times. Thereby, whoever is filled with peace will get a beautiful face. Because the one who perceives things positively will smile and with smiling will become beautiful.

If to add some comments directed by spectators. Vesile said that she was 9 years old and that she liked the fact that the child was happy in the play. Gulberenk was recommended to her by a friend, this was her first participation; and after this program she said she wants to attend every program. Rumeysa Okumus, one of the precious spectators who participated in the program, said that she is 13 years old and mostly liked the play in which the child was without parents.

You see, Gulberenk was full again and gave very nice messages.
For the new program, we are on the move now! Because we have so many good messages to give all of you!
May it be easy for us!

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