Dear Precious Members,

Two very successful programs took place on the Istanbul stages with the cooperation of Gulberenk and Golden Child. Both programs, in which the subjects were about cleanliness and ablution, became very beautiful with the love and interest of the participants.

We learned that by eating clean food, Allah has permitted us to eat, we will support our bodies tos tay clean. If we live with water and soap, and brush our teeth regularly we will have clean bodies. Of course, these are not sufficient tactics. We should clean our room, our houses, our spaces. These are not enough either. We need to keep our language, our hearts, our eyes, our minds clean.

If one does not say any ugly and bad words, instead stays away from rumors and gossip, commemorates Allah constantly, and also brings a lot of salat to our beloved Prophet Mohammed, we believe our language and mouths will remain clean. If we move away from bad emotions and feelings, ugly intentions, and instead repent our mistakes, pray, and escape from the deeds prohibited by Allah, our hearts will remain clean.

Our Beloved and great Allah, cleanses our world with the rains. How would it have been so difficult to clean the roofs of the houses, the leaves of trees, the streets and the boulevards if it didn’t rain?
In Islam we believe cleaning comes from faith. Muslims should keep their clothes and intentions clean. It is easy to create a mess, but difficult to collect and tidy things up. Our Garden Magazine (Bizim Bahce Dergisi) seems to be a great magazine. Ironing appears to be not that easy at all… Thus as you will understand, we realized again certain matters, we contemplated again, and again we saw what is really worthy in life.

Our friends, who participated in the Weaving Competition with an award prize 100 Turkish Liras, were very well prepared. As a result of the evaluation of the works that were presented to our jury, our friend Talha Yasin Yaman’s “Rabia” themed piece came third place, Aise Erva Sarikaya’s bag done with the “Rope Twisting” technique came second place, Rabia Kimirti’s work entitled, “The Chain” was the winner of the competition! 🙂
While our friends received their prizes with great joy, we made our registration for the new competition. While they prepare their pieces of art, we will continue to stage our programs for children and adults in Nevsehir, Izmir and Kutahya provinces. Then, on the first Saturday and Sunday of September we will meet againI hopefully! 😉

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