Dear Guests,

Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs, taking place on the last Sunday of each month, continue to be performed at Dr. Dursun Aksoy Culture Center in Izmir.
Goodwill is a feature that indicates one’s good feelings and thoughts towards everyone and everything. Having good intentions is one of the main characteristics of a Muslim. Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (sallallâhu aleyhi wa sallam) ones said: “One’s deeds are evaluated according to his/her intentions. Everyone is given a response to his/her certain intention. And if one intends a good deed but is not able to perform it, Allah will accept it as done as a great favour. Moreover, whoever intends to do good and does it indeed, Allah will accept and decuple her/his deed or record it for more than seven hundred times. And whoever intends to do evil but forgoes it, her/his deed will be marked as goodwill. Lastly, whoever intends to do evil and commits it, Allah will accept it as merely a sin.” (Bukhari, Rikak 31)
The intention of a deed is rather essential than the result itself. Goodwill is a feature that has many benefits both in our current lives and the afterlife. When Allah loves a humanbeing, he also lets others love him/her.
A person with good intentions will offer tranquility like Spring flowers wherever he/she is. And bear in mind, goodwill is the best when it is combined with the Qur’an and Sunnah. Likewise an iron does not get warm and work without plugging in, goodwill is useless without the Qur’an ad Sunnah. Gulberenk children would never give way to actions that would not be approved by Allah and His Messenger.

When goodwill goes hand in hand with the Qur’an, Sunnah, zeal and perseverance, Allah’s mercy and peace of heaven will find the humanbeing. We can not be succesful if there is no effort and perseverance in our good deeds. Everyone who wants to g oto heaven must work with goodwill, faith and an endless zeal. Thus, when we learned all these points, we decided to live fort he sake of Allah with all our good intentions. And we prayed, “Allah please let us be among the ones who have good intentions in their deeds”.

Lastly, the winner of our Design Competition, which started last month, is our little one who built the Gulberenk Birdhouse model. Moreover, this month we would like to thank our Elif Sister who prepared the beautiful slide projections for us. Gulberenk Izmir team has been done with their eleventh program. “See you next month” we said, and left for our homes.

Yorum Yap