Dear Valued Guests,

We steam ahead to Friday Meetings titled as “From the Lines to the Hearts” as Gulberenk Values Education Association.

We started as usual by asking ” How are you?” to our participants. We obsereved that all of us are tested by various emotions, either sad or worried, some trying some happy.

We remembered that human being, as its nature, open for learning, love, hate, being prudent or spiritually blind; go to the either positive or negative ways with the will given to him, but can only feel peacful by walking through the goodness and Divine Beauty.

We said that “we have work with the conscious of being guest in the world for a while and has to leave a good memories behind us, and have to be from those who are remembered with joy and thankfullness, when people see us, they should remember Allah Almighty.” We decided to spend our lives by not forgetting our most important duty is to be the servant of Allah Almighty  and the real respect and power is to obey Him.

Then, we completed our lecture with the intention to realise our good intentions and in beautiful emotions. We hope to meet again next week.

If you want to join our lectures, you can be member of Gulberenk Values Education Association. For detailed information and registration click on and read “Membership & Regulations” section.


Merve Doganci

December 17, 2022


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