Dear Precious Members,

The Music Values Training, organized jointly by the Balikesir Gulberenk volunteers with the Ilim Yayma Society and the Esma Hatun Girls Qur’an Course, was successfully completed. Conducted by Gulberenk Values Education Association Chairman of the Board, Educator and Author Neslihan Nur TURK, the training took sixteen hours. During the course of two full days, participants were taught subjects such as the definition of music, its place in Islam, the methods used in the use of different branches of music in education, and the examples of the right and wrong use of music. Throughout the two-day training, several examples of songs were given and details were shown on how to use them in the education of values to various age groups. Not only from within Balıkesir but also there were many participants from Izmir, Soma and Bandirma. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the organization which took place at the Balikesir Provincial Office of Mufti’s hall and wish to be together in upcoming other programs.

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